Skyrise Chicago


Sun, November 5 | 7am to 11am
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No matter where you live or what your connection may be, you can step up in support of Shirley Ryan AbilityLab by participating in SkyRise Chicago, in person or virtually.

Shirley Ryan AbilityLab is the global leader in physical medicine and rehabilitation for adults and children with the most severe, complex conditions — from traumatic brain and spinal cord injury to stroke, amputation and cancer-related impairment.

Looking to connect with active consumers at this event? For pricing and a customized benefits package, please contact Norine Smyth at 312-799-0354 or Laura Wilke at 773-584-6669.

download (1)At Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, we not only care for patients, but also help them return to full lives. To meet this goal, we offer a number of programs designed to enhance the quality of life for people who have lost ability due to serious injury or chronic conditions. These programs are unique, but many are not generally covered by insurance. Your support makes these programs possible.

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